What is Iron Deficiency Anemia? (IDA)
Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women
1 in 5
Malaysians are anemic1.
What is Iron Deficiency Anemia? (IDA)
Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is one of the most common types of anemia caused by insufficient iron supply to meet the body’s demands. People with mild or moderate IDA may not have any signs or symptoms. More severe IDA may cause fatigue, tiredness, and shortness of breath.
Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women Icon of five pregnant women
1 in 5
Malaysians are anemic1.
Icon of a person with low energy
Weakness or fatigue
Icon of a person having difficulty concentrating
Headaches and dizziness
Icon of a person loss of appetite
Loss of appetite
Blood droplet icon with Iron text
Why is iron important?
Our red blood cells require iron to build hemoglobin which is responsible for delivering oxygen to the body. Iron also helps in energy generation for the body.​ ​
IDA is often caused by blood loss especially during prolonged or heavy menstruation.
The demand for iron and other vitamins increases due to the growing foetus.
Vegetarian diet
Vegetarian and vegan diets often do not include enough iron-rich foods, such as meat and fish.
Weight loss
Following low-calorie diets or skipping meals​ could mean you aren’t meeting your daily required intake of iron.
Endurance sport
Female athletes are at higher risk for IDA. They lose more iron due to heavy sweating. Add to that monthly blood loss during menses.
Hectic schedules
Career women facing high stress, irregular hours and an improper diet are also prone to IDA.
Iron supplements:
6 things to look out for
There are different types of iron supplements and dosage amounts vary​.
Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation and abdominal cramping.
Slow-release iron pills may be gentler on the stomach, for example Iberet® Folic 500, has Sustained Release Gradumet® Technology that helps reduce gastric irritation.​
Vitamin C has been shown to enhance iron absorption.​
Calcium should NOT be taken at the same time as iron. Also avoid milk, antacids, high-fiber foods and caffeine.​
Have a small amount of food with iron supplements.​

What are my iron levels?​
What are the risks? Short-term and long-term?
How serious is it?
What are the tests that I should take?​

What’s the most likely cause of my symptoms?​
What is causing my iron deficiency?
What symptoms should I watch out for?​
Are there other possible causes of my symptoms?​

What are my treatment options?​
How long will the treatment take?​
Are there any side effects?​
What foods should I eat to increase my iron level? What foods to avoid?​
How do I prevent IDA from happening again?
For the proper treatment and care, it is best to consult your doctor if you think you may have Iron Deficiency Anemia. Here’s a handy, downloadable list of questions to ask your doctor at your visit.